Plain Language Summaries of Research Priority Setting Methods

In a number of our research priority setting workshops, Cochrane groups asked us for simple descriptions of a variety of research priority setting exercises.

The Council on Health Research for Development has developed a categorisation of different methods of Research Priority setting Methods. However, some key methods for setting priorities like the James Lind Alliance approach are missing from the overview. Moreover, different research groups implement the same methods differently in their own context and topic area. In order to help, Cochrane groups to make more informed decisions on how to prioritise their topics, we selected research articles representing different methods used in research priority setting and provided a summary of them.

Cochrane Airways approach to priority setting

Dialogue approach to stakeholder involvement in research priority setting exercises 

James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships

Developing a matrix approach to identify and prioritise research recommendations

Research Priority Setting: a method that incorporates health equity lens and social determinants of health

Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI) approach to research priority setting

Mapping of multiple criteria for priority setting of health interventions: an aid for decision makers

Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis for Health Technology Assessment

 Prioritisation processes for updating of systematic reviews, health technology assessments and clinical guidelines